Tuesday 12 April 2011

As promised...

Hello again! :)
So here we are it's late evening of our first day on holiday together and as promised we have been out and taken some snaps of Sidmouth and of our holiday in general :) As of yet there aren't not that many of Sidmouth as none came out that good but we're here for another few days so we've got plenty of chances to get some better shots!
We don't want to make this too long as there are quite a few snaps to attach to this post for you to enjoy browsing at :)
Tomorrow we are planning on going for a morning run (or jog more likely). Our first proper 'training session' for the Race For Life which we have entered to take part in in June :) We're also revising (yes on holiday!) for our upcoming exams; next month! So we will try and get out sometime during the day to take a few more snaps but can't promise much as rain is forecast!
So we will end this here, we hope you enjoy the snaps we took & we promise that we will contiune to update our blog during our holiday :)!
Emily & Charlotte x


Okay, so once again here we are apologising for not updating our blog more often! In fact this is only our 3rd post which is really bad! With not much going on in our lives other than school and then homework there hasn't really been anything of interest for us to update our blog with or to upload photos of however, things have now changed. It is the Easter Holidays which means 2 weeks off school and we are on holiday together (as of TODAY).
We are not on holiday anywhere fancy like Australia, we are in Devon, staying in a place called Sidmouth which no is not abroad but we still love coming on holiday here!
We have been on holiday here together a few times, and we come with my (Emily) parents.
I (Emily) have been here since Saturday (it is now Tuesday) and like I said we are on holiday TOGETHER as of today, the reason being Charlotte always joins us a few days later on holiday and we picked her up this morning from the train station :)
Anyway, so we are now enjoying a relaxing break away and so thought it a good idea to resume updating our blog whilst we are here. Of course we have more going on now and so we promise that everyday we will update our blog (perhaps even more than once a day) & we will upload as many photos as we can of anything and everything we do!
We're only here for today, and then 3 more full days and then on the 4th day going home so we will try and fit in as much as possible in those few days left of our holiday :)
As a matter of fact we are off out now and we will take some snaps of Sidmouth and then upload them to introduce you to the town and everything it has to offer ;)!
Will post later!
Emiy & Charlotte x